Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hold the Phone...

Have I mentioned the NCS page on Facebook yet? Lots more work done on that front.

And then there's the Bump Mapping Demo. I uploaded that today and had a blast bump mapping photos of friends and family, then sharing it with them.

Here's an example image. This is a bump map of the ship I served on in the 90s.

Here's one of myself from boot-camp graduation:

Everyone seemed to get a kick out of the app.


Where to start? So much has happened since the last post. My granddaughter finally got to play her 🐞 Concentration game for the first time. She was thrilled.

I finally uploaded a couple of demo/game apps I've been plugging for a while:

Created a new page for 🐶 Lost & Found Pets and adoption.

Made some improvements to 🌏 Dave's Links.

Put an EXTREMELY tentative front end on my Heroku Page.

Posted a whole slew of information on the official NCS Biz Page.

Created the GRABR Image Extraction tool.

And more that eludes me at the moment.

Friday, February 14, 2020

You can find more of my work here:


I've mentioned my little Space Invaders demo elsewhere, but not yet here. In fact, I've working on putting out a small collection of games soon.

Been working on a game of Concentration for my grand daughter. It's coming along nicely! It plays and tracks performance statistics. Needs some sound effects and some flashy animations for starting/winning. Maybe a stats screen and saving stats. Config screen for choosing grid size and so on. Even so, it's quite fun to play as-is.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Finally got around to (re)creating my business page on Facebook.
NyteOwl Computer Software
Drop by, y'all.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Bingo Game

There's nothing quite like writing your own games. Here's one I wrote while buffing up my web development skills.

Yes, that's a trap from a kitchen sink drain pipe. The but in the game, it's a chute for the balls to travel down before they fall into the wooden box. It's all animated.

I'll get this published soon so folks can play it. Lots on my plate right now.

Popping In...

Well! Last post was in 2017, when the blog was created. Now a couple of years have passed and I've been too busy to drop by here. Much has happened and I'll try to make a few posts soon to catch the hilites. Stay tuned...